• Refund Request Period: You have 14 days to request a refund for any service or digital product purchased from the platform.
  • Eligibility for Refund: Refunds are applicable if:
    • The service or product is defective or does not work as described.
    • The service or product does not match the description provided on the website.
    • The service or product is found to be fake or fraudulent.
    • The service or product was not delivered as promised.

How to Request a Refund

  • Via Customer Account: You can initiate a refund through your customer account on the website.
  • Customer Service: Contact our customer service team at (+20223920238) for assistance.

Refund Process

  • Evaluation Period: Once your refund request is received, we will review and process it within a maximum of 14 working days.
  • Refund Method: The refund will be issued to the original payment method used during the purchase.

Conditions for Returning Digital Products and Services

  • Original Condition: Ensure that any digital product or service is returned in its original condition, with all included assets, licenses, and access credentials intact.
  • No Unauthorized Use: For digital products requiring a password or license, please ensure it has not been used or activated beyond the allowed scope, otherwise the refund request may be denied.

Non-Refundable Products and Services

Certain products and services are non-refundable, including but not limited to:

  • Customized Services: Any service that has been personalized or customized according to your specifications.
  • Completed Projects: Services that have been fully delivered and accepted by you.
  • Subscription Services: Any subscription-based service once the subscription period has started.
  • Downloaded Digital Products: Digital products that have been downloaded or accessed.

We value your satisfaction and are here to assist you with any issues or concerns you may have regarding your purchase. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further support.



phone : +20223920230

gmail:  Support@taqatul.com

Adresse:  7 singer el khazin – cairo – Egypt